Conferința privind educația financiară, reziliența și incluziunea financiară

Blocați agenda: 20 februarie 2024

@ 9:45-18:15

Marți, 20 februarie 2024, Comisia Europeană și Autoritatea belgiană pentru servicii și piețe financiare (FSMA) organizează o conferință la nivel înalt privind educația financiară, reziliența și incluziunea financiară. Conferința va reuni experți din UE și din lume, factori de decizie politică, autorități de reglementare, reprezentanți ai organizațiilor societății civile, cadre universitare și alte părți interesate, pentru a discuta despre oportunitățile, provocările și cele mai bune practici din domeniu. Sesiunea de înscrieri se va deschide în curând. Evenimentul va fi transmis live.

Ce abilități sunt necesare pentru profesioniștii din domeniul financiar pentru a trece la economii sustenabile?

Deoarece lumea încearcă să decarbonizeze economiile și să obțină zero emisii de carbon, există o nevoie urgentă ca toate părțile interesate să înțeleagă și să răspundă acestei provocări.

Profesioniștii din domeniul financiar-contabil, inclusiv auditorii, au un rol esențial în a facilita trecerea la o economie globală mai ecologică, atât în punerea sustenabilității în centrul procesului decizional, cât și în promovarea practicilor responsabile în interesul public.

Cu toate acestea, profesioniștii trebuie să fie echipați cu educația și abilitățile potrivite pentru a ajuta profesia să trateze impactul schimbărilor climatice în ceea ce raportează companiile, echipându-le cu cunoștințele și expertiza necesare.

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Eveniment online: Principii revizuite ale OCDE/G20 privind guvernanța corporativă. Ce pot face companiile pentru a promova sustenabilitatea și încrederea în investitori?

OCDE a finalizat revizuirea Principiilor OCDE/G20 privind guvernanța corporativă pentru a reflecta evoluțiile recente în piețele de capital, politicile și practicile privind guvernanța corporativă. Principiile revizuite își propun să susțină o cultură corporativă care se aliniază la așteptările curente ale societății, promovează încrederea și susține sustenabilitatea și reziliența economiei extinse. Business at OECD (BIAC), ecoDa și IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) au participat la toate etapele revizuirii și sunt încântate să vă invite la discuția despre principalele caracteristici ale principiilor revizuite, la care vor lua parte experți globali, atenția fiind concentrată asupra noului capitol privind „Sustenabilitatea și reziliența”.

Evenimentul va avea loc online la 20 septembrie, între orele 16:00-17:30, iar participarea este gratuită.

Profesioniștii contabili pot contribui la promovarea echității sociale

Profesioniștii din domeniul financiar-contabil au un rol de jucat în construirea unui viitor mai sustenabil și în abordarea nedreptății sociale, arată un nou raport publicat, la 20 iunie, de Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Documentul se bazează pe feedbackul a peste 75 de profesioniști din domeniul financiar-contabil din întreaga lume. Potrivit raportului, sustenabilitatea este o componentă esențială pentru profesia contabilă, inclusiv o agendă socială care să asigure un echilibru între echitatea socială și acțiunile pentru protecția mediului. „Agenda socială este amplă și complexă, iar componentele sale sunt adesea dificil de măsurat. Totuși, acest lucru nu scuză lipsa de acțiune”, se arată în document.

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Cele cinci oportunități care fac din contabilitate un drum către cariere cu scop în sectoarele private și publice

Cu o mulțime de oportunități disponibile pentru profesioniștii contabili la nivelul funcțiilor, locațiilor și sectoarelor, și cu capacitatea de a progresa în mai multe roluri diferite, contabilitatea este un mod de a obține cariere cu scop și pline de satisfacții atât în sectorul privat, cât și în cel public. Aceasta a fost tema celei mai recente ședințe a Grupului consultativ pentru profesioniștii contabili angajați (PAIB) organizată în New York, care reunește un grup global și divers de profesioniști contabili care lucrează într-o varietate de poziții de conducere în afaceri și în sectorul public.

„Profesia contabilă evoluează și nu a existat niciodată un moment mai bun pentru a fi un profesionist în domeniul contabil și financiar”, a declarat Sanjay Rughani, președintele Grupului consultativ PAIB. „Profesioniștii contabili sunt esențiali pentru a conduce prosperitatea sustenabilă și suntem într-un moment de oportunitate fără precedent de a răspunde cererilor tot mai mari de competențe financiare și contabile din partea multiplelor noastre părți interesate, inclusiv societatea în general.”

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Cum pot profesioniștii contabili să recunoască dificultățile financiare ale clienților lor din categoria întreprinderilor mici

Parcursul sinuos post-pandemic continuă pentru întreprinderile mici, iar practicienii ar face bine să fie atenți la acestea. În contextul presiunilor inflaționiste, creșterea ratelor de dobândă, tulburări ale lanțurilor de aprovizionare, deficite ale forței de muncă și creșterea costurilor de trai, nu este surprinzător faptul că multe dintre întreprinderile mici se confruntă cu dificultăți financiare. Profesioniștii contabili au oportunitatea de a observa și înțelege în detaliu activitatea clienților și constata din timp semnele unor dificultăți financiare.

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8 idei fundamentale pentru profesia contabilă în rolul de facilitator al dezvoltării sustenabile și al tranziției către zero emisii de carbon

În cadrul ședinței Grupului consultativ pentru profesioniștii contabili angajați (PAIB) al IFAC din martie, a avut loc un panel al experților în care s-a discutat modul în care instituțiile și companiile financiare abordează planificarea tranziției către zero emisii de carbon, priorități cheie și compensări, precum și modul în care directorii financiari, funcțiile financiare și de trezorerie le pot sprijini în acest parcurs. În urma discuțiilor, s-au delimitat o serie de idei fundamentale pentru profesia contabilă și rolul acesteia în facilitarea realizării de către piețele de capital și societăți a obiectivelor de sustenabilitate.

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Webinar: Pragul de semnificație, de la impacturi la riscuri și oportunități

GRI s-a asociat cu Good Governance Academy pentru primul webinar din seria lor, Exchange Tech Talks. Acest webinar gratuit, pe tema Pragului de semnificație, de la impacturi la riscuri și oportunități, va avea loc în data de 15 iunie, la ora 12.00. Profesoara Carol Adams, Președintele Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) al GRI este unul dintre key-speakerii webinarului.

Webinarul se axează pe înțelegerea capacității tehnice de a explica diferitele abordări ale determinării pragului de semnificație și de a înțelege considerentele pentru acestea în contextul standardelor GRI și a altor standarde internaționale de raportare a sustenabilității.

Episodul 5: importanța de a stimula inovarea atunci când navigați în vremuri tulburi

Chris Dulny, profesionist contabil, Chief Digital Data and Innovation Officer la PwC Canada, vorbește despre îngrijorarea sa profundă că, în vremuri economice dificile, companiile canadiene vor prioritiza obiectivele pe termen scurt în detrimentul strategiilor de inovare pe termen lung și, eventual, își vor pierde capacitatea de a se adapta și de a prospera pe termen lung.

Chris susține că inovarea nu ar trebui privită ca o activitate periferică care poate fi pusă în așteptare până când economia se stabilizează, ci mai degrabă ca un aspect fundamental al viabilității pe termen lung a unei organizații.

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Cele mai mari provocări pentru a deveni un profesionist contabil

Având în vedere că vremurile economice incerte și tehnologiile emergente pot reprezenta noi oportunități pentru activități infracționale, toți actorii din domeniul economic și financiar-contabil – publici și privați – trebuie să colaboreze pentru a contracara spălarea banilor și corupția. Nerespectarea acestei condiții poate avea consecințe devastatoare, finanțând alte infracțiuni grave, inclusiv sclavia, traficul de droguri și corupția.

Pentru a clarifica această problemă esențială, IFAC a organizat la Bruxelles un eveniment hibrid, în cadrul căruia experți la nivel mondial și la nivelul UE au discutat despre importanța schimbării mentalităților și rolul scepticismului profesional în reducerea riscului de infracțiuni economice.

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Să asculți cu atenție este o superputere

Vă simțiți uneori mai mult ca un terapeut decât un consilier financiar? În cazul în care răspunsul la această întrebare este afirmativ, aflați că mulți se regăsesc în această situație. În cadrul primei întâlniri cu un client, ar trebui să vorbiți 20% din timp și restul timpului să ascultați. Trebuie să asculți clientul, fără a-l întrerupe.

Un studiu Morningstar privind comportamentul investitorilor a constatat că viziunea pe care o avem despre noi înșine în viitor (sau lipsa acesteia) are un impact mai mare asupra deciziilor noastre financiare decât banii pe care îi câștigăm sau timpul pe care îl avem la dispoziție.

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OECD: Un plan pentru construirea capacității naționale de calcul pentru inteligența artificială

Inteligența artificială (IA) transformă economiile și promite noi oportunități pentru productivitate, creștere și reziliență. Țările răspund cu strategii naționale privind IA pentru a valorifica aceste transformări. Cu toate acestea, nicio țară nu are în prezent date sau un plan specific pentru capacitatea națională de calcul al IA. Această lacună în politică poate pune în pericol obiectivele economice interne.

În acest sens, OECD a elaborat raportul A blueprint for building national compute capacity for artificial intelligence, în care oferă un plan pentru factorii de decizie politică pentru a ajuta la evaluarea și planificarea capacității naționale de calcul IA necesare pentru a permite creșterea productivității și pentru a capta întregul potențial economic al IA. Acesta oferă orientări pentru factorii de decizie politică cu privire la modul de elaborare a unui plan național de calcul al IA pe trei dimensiuni: capacitate (disponibilitate și utilizare), eficacitate (oameni, politici, inovare, acces), și reziliență (securitate, suveranitate, sustenabilitate).

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Cum pot profesioniștii contabili să îndrume companiile în ceea ce privește clima

Economia globală se confruntă cu multe provocări pe termen scurt, de la întreruperea continuă a lanțurilor de aprovizionare la inflația persistentă și conflictele geopolitice. Dar chiar și în timp ce întreprinderile din întreaga lume se confruntă cu aceste probleme în 2023, acestea nu pot uita de problema importantă și sistemică cu care se confruntă economia pe termen lung: riscurile climatice. Conform unui studiu din 2021, schimbările climatice au potențialul de a afecta până la 18% din PIB-ul global până în 2050, dacă temperaturile globale cresc cu 3,2 grade Celsius. Țările în curs de dezvoltare din zonele cu climă mai caldă sunt în special expuse riscului de provocări economice și umanitare, ceea ce înseamnă că riscul de afaceri este adesea mai mare și mai urgent. Ce înseamnă acest lucru pentru întreprinderi – și în special pentru departamentele financiare?

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ONU: Cum putem construi o economie cu zero emisii până în 2050

Dacă toată lumea ar avea acces la energie curată și accesibilă din punctul de vedere al prețului, drumul către o economie cu zero emisii de carbon până în 2050 ar fi mult mai rapid. De aceea, în timpul conferinței privind schimbările climatice COP26 de la începutul acestei luni, ONU a lansat o foaie de parcurs pentru tranziția către o energie curată. Raportul ONU prezintă modul în care lumea poate face tranziția către energia curată până în 2030 ca parte a eforturilor de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră până la atingerea valorii de zero emisii până în 2050. Energia verde reprezintă energia obținută prin surse care nu poluează atmosfera, cum ar fi energia solară și cea eoliană.

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Schimbările climatice și raportarea financiară

Schimbările climatice au evoluat de la a fi o problemă de etică la una cu efecte importante asupra performanței, poziției și perspectivelor financiare ale întreprinderilor. Informațiile privind impactul schimbărilor climatice ar trebui privite ca un element-cheie al procesului de adoptare a deciziilor investitorilor și, prin urmare, ca fiind importante în contextul prezentărilor de informații. Schimbările climatice implică atât riscuri, cât și oportunități financiare la nivelul perspectivelor de investiții. Ghidul publicat de CPA Australia furnizează un rezumat al aspectelor legate de climă pe care profesioniștii din domeniul contabil trebuie să le înțeleagă și să le aprofundeze.

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Ce înseamnă raportul IPCC privind schimbările climatice pentru comerț?

Cel mai recent raport al Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) avertizează că cel mai probabil, temperatura globală va crește cu 1,5 grade Celsius până în 2050. Această schimbare va avea consecințe grave asupra tuturor aspectelor vieții de pe Pământ. Însă care va fi impactul asupra comerțului global, a finanțării schimburilor comerciale și a lanțurilor de aprovizionare? Deși acest domeniu nu a fost acoperit în raportul IPCC, este de așteptat ca în următoarea perioadă să se încheie noi acorduri în rândul factorilor de decizie la nivel mondial cu privire la comerțul transfrontalier și modalitatea de gestionare a schimbărilor climatice.

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Pot contabilii din sectorul public să ajute la salvarea lumii? Da, pot. Iată cum

Încălzirea globală este un fenomen de necontestat care se transformă într-o urgență odată cu trecerea timpului. De asemenea, anul 2030, termenul-limită la care Obiectivele de Dezvoltare Durabilă ar trebui să fie îndeplinite, se apropie cu pași repezi. În acest context ne putem întreba cum pot fi gestionate aceste două provocări și de către cine? Oare „profesioniștii contabili vor salva lumea” de la schimbările climatice, după cum a afirmat Peter Bakker (pe atunci CEO al TNT N.V.) în cadrul conferinței ONU, din 2012, de la Rio?

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Evoluția responsabilității cu privire la climă: O perspectivă globală asupra raportării cu privire la mediu a sectorului public

Criza schimbărilor climatice este principala temă a agendelor globale, politice și economice, ca urmare a efectelor ce au devenit tot mai evidente în ultimele două decenii. Practica raportării privind sustenabilitatea, care înglobează nu doar măsurile legate de mediu, ci și pe cele economice și sociale, este acum răspândită la nivel larg în sectorul privat. Aceasta este o tendință deosebit de benefică. A cunoaște și a înțelege impactul acțiunilor noastre este un lucru esențial pentru a putea atenua eficient schimbările climatice și a crea o societate sustenabilă. Din păcate, în ceea ce privește sectorul public, lucrurile nu sunt atât de avansate din punctul de vedere al raportării privind sustenabilitatea, creându-se astfel un dezechilibru în ceea ce privește eforturile de a susține dezvoltarea sustenabilă. CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) a studiat organizații din sectorul public de la nivel global și propune o listă de măsuri pentru a îmbunătăți raportarea privind sustenabilitatea la nivelul sectorului.

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Răspunsuri la apelul lansat de Accountancy Europe privind frauda și continuarea activității

Accountancy Europe a publicat, pe site-ul său, răspunsurile pe care le-a primit de la actori importanți din domeniul financiar-contabil în urma apelului lansat odată cu publicarea documentelor: Frauda: recomandări pentru consolidarea ecosistemului de raportare financiară și Continuarea activității: recomandări pentru consolidarea ecosistemului de raportare financiară. Frauda corporativă reprezintă o problemă serioasă care ne afectează pe toți. Consecințele acesteia pot slăbi încrederea publicului în piețe și pot avea afecte pe termen lung asupra societății. Pandemia de COVID-19 și criza generată de aceasta nu a făcut decât să pună și mai multă presiune pe companii, creând mai multe oportunități de a comite o fraudă. Răspunsurile menționate cuprind recomandări pentru consolidarea ecosistemului de raportare financiară de la firme cu activitate internațională, printre care se numără și reprezentanți ai Big Four.

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Accountancy Europe: Pregătirea pentru viitor a sistemelor fiscale pentru a le transforma în sisteme verzi, digitale și echitabile

Cum pot sistemele fiscale să rezolve urgențele legate de protejarea mediului? Este posibilă impozitarea companiilor digitalizate? Ce provocări și soluții în materie fiscală are populația aflată în proces de îmbătrânire? Toate aceste întrebări și multe altele au fost dezbătute în cadrul webinarului Future-proofing tax: make it green, digital, fair, organizat de Accountancy Europe, care a adus laolaltă specialiști din domeniul fiscalității pentru a discuta modalitățile prin care sistemele fiscale pot fi transformate în sisteme verzi, digitale și echitabile.

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Accountancy Europe: Consolidarea ecosistemului de raportare financiară împotriva fraudei

Eforturile la nivel european de a prezenta strategii pentru combaterea fraudei corporative au trecut la un alt nivel odată cu publicarea recomandărilor Accountancy Europe pentru consolidarea ecosistemului de raportare financiară împotriva fraudei, în contextul îngrijorărilor conform cărora presiunea asupra mediului de afaceri cauzată de COVID-19 a generat noi oportunități pentru comiterea de infracțiuni economice. Conform Accountancy Europe, toți actorii principali, inclusiv consiliile de administrație și conducerea companiilor, legiuitorii, normalizatorii de standarde și organismele de reglementare, trebuie să adopte o abordare coordonată pentru a obține rezultate tangibile în combaterea fraudei.

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The road to digitization: what are the barriers for SMEs and PMMs

The digitalisation of SMEs is an acute need. The COVID-19 pandemic reiterated this by showing us how digitized business models can foster the resilience of SMEs. But what are the main challenges when it comes to the digitalisation of SMEs and how should SMEs prepare to support their SME customers? Accountancy Europe discussed 39 leaders and representatives of member bodies who have experience working with SMEs or dealing with SME policies in their countries of origin.

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Short-term fiscal measures: Supporting businesses during the COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 crisis continues to have a negative impact on many labor-intensive sectors, which are essential for employment at European level. It is important that viable businesses in these sectors are supported by national governments to ensure Europe's social stability and economic health. The tax system plays an important role in providing this support, which is cost-effective for governments as it uses existing data and systems. Accountancy Europe document, Short-term fiscal measures: Supporting businesses during the COVID-19 crisis, presents measures for both direct and indirect taxation that governments should consider.

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Evaluating staff performance in the context of a virtual environment and a hybrid work model

In response to the severe economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have made huge investments in technology infrastructure to provide goods and services quickly and efficiently, and also have to change their business models. Many of these technological changes have been foreshadowing for some time, but some have occurred faster than we expected. The implementation of work at home in many business sectors has two important aspects: how staff assessment is carried out in a virtual environment and, as physical meetings become secure again, how a hybrid work model is applied.

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Application of professional skepticism in the remote work environment

The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the way we conduct our work underscores the importance of applying professional skepticism about the practical challenges of auditing in a remote work environment. In a recent podcast published by CPA Canada, Karen Higgins, audit and insurance partner at Deloitte Canada, shares her experience with applying professional skepticism to a remote audit conducted in the current uncertain context.

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Productivity in and beyond 2021: 5 pillars for a better prepared workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the financial services sector, exacerbating existing productivity challenges. Many businesses have an unsustainable cost-revenue ratio, and if they do not act, they will face critical threats to their ability to continue operating. But the pandemic has also created opportunities. Some of them are highlighted by the closure of physical offices and offices for reasons related to health security, the ease with which consumers have turned to digital channels and the positive aspects of remote work. In this context, improving the digital skills of the workforce is one of the key factors for a company's productivity.

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3 principles to strengthen trust in the digital side of supply chains

The digital transformation has paved the way for a new way of life and work. In-depth performance analysis and new levels of connectivity allow companies to reap the benefits of innovative technologies, making the world faster, more flexible and more efficient. This change creates a global ecosystem, where the physical and digital parts are increasingly connected, from essential infrastructure to people and information. On the other hand, the transformation and evolution of the digital environment is also leading to an increase in cyber threats, including in supply chains. Consequently, a risk-based approach is needed to protect the systems underlying supply chains.

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There is no capital without human capital

In a new podcast, Accountancy Europe addresses the issue of mental health in the workplace, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and remote work, which has become the main way of doing business since the first months of 2020. Vic Petri, CEO and founder of Perfomance Innovations and former partner at PwC, is invited to discuss how employee motivation and initiative can be maintained, how to manage pandemic mental health challenges, and about the fact that the accounting profession must accept change in order to prepare for the future.

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Will governments return to past practices or cultivate a future characterized by digitalization?

The public sector quickly adopted digital technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to provide a prompt and effective response to its effects. But despite all the progress made during this period, governments still have many steps to take to meet citizens' expectations of the provision of digitized services. This requires concerted action by central governments, individual agencies and local authorities, as well as the wider social ecosystem. The article, signed by Ernst & Young specialists Arnauld Bertrand and Julie McQueen, outlines a number of key considerations and actions that support governments in redefining the future of digitalisation.

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Assessments of the capacity to continue working in crisis situations

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the world. Some companies have ceased operations or reduced their operations during this period, which calls into question their ability to continue operations. When preparing financial statements, a company's management must assess the extent to which there are significant uncertainties regarding the entity's ability to continue to operate. This assessment will involve the use of reasoning and a number of assumptions to support the management's conclusion. AcSB (Accounting Standards Board) and AASB (Australian Accounting Standards Board) have developed a joint publication (Close Call Going Concern Assessments) to provide guidance on audit and accounting considerations related to this type of valuation.

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Business continuity: Recommendations for strengthening the financial reporting ecosystem

When a company collapses, all stakeholders are affected, from employees to investors, and ultimately erode public confidence in financial markets. Accountancy Europe publication, Business continuity: Recommendations for strengthening the financial reporting ecosystem, together with the document on fraud - Fraud: Recommendations for strengthening the financial reporting ecosystem, provides guidance for strengthening the financial reporting ecosystem, a very relevant topic especially in the current context, where many companies are facing difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The system needs to improve the way it manages and communicates issues related to a company's ability to continue its business.

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Fraud: Recommendations for strengthening the financial reporting ecosystem

Corporate fraud is an important issue that affects us all. Its consequences can weaken public confidence in the markets and have long-term negative effects on society. The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has increased pressure on companies and created new opportunities to commit fraud. Accountancy Europe document, Fraud: Recommendations for strengthening the financial reporting ecosystem, together with the one related to business continuity (Business continuity: Recommendations for strengthening the financial reporting ecosystem), makes recommendations for strengthening the financial reporting ecosystem, analyzing the roles of all actors involved (including auditors, management and boards of companies, legislative and regulatory bodies, etc.), who must take a coordinated approach to achieve tangible results in regarding the treatment of fraud.

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Cybersecurity Handbook, developed by Marsh & McLennan

Cyberattacks are among the most severe and likely threats to companies in developed economies, according to the latest Global Risk Report, published by the World Economic Forum with the support of Marsh & McLennan. In 2020, the world faced unprecedented social, economic and geopolitical transformations generated, for the most part, by the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which further increased the cyber risks for companies. In the coming year, the cyber environment will be more complex than ever. The Cybersecurity Handbook by Marsh & McLennan, a leading global company in the field of risk, strategy and human resources services, aims to explore cyber trends, their specific implications, emerging regulatory challenges and strategic considerations.

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OECD: Guidance on the implications of COVID-19 on transfer pricing

In response to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of tax administrations have already published national guidelines on the implications of the pandemic on transfer pricing. Although this is an important first step in setting taxpayer expectations, facilitating compliance based on cooperation and ensuring better fiscal stability, the dual nature of transfer pricing shows that only by adopting a common approach is it possible for tax administrations to improve fiscal stability. The guidelines published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in December 2020 clarify and exemplify the application of the principle of competition in relation to the unique facts and circumstances imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Four aspects are identified and analyzed: comparability analysis, allocation of COVID-19 specific losses and costs, government assistance programs, advance price agreements.

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COVID-19: Setting the significance threshold

COVID-19 has profound effects on many businesses and we can expect them to continue for future financial reporting periods. Whether companies are experiencing a temporary downturn or more drastic changes, the effects of COVID-19 may affect how the significance threshold is set in audits by auditors and the choice of benchmarks used. ICAEW Guide, Materiality in the audit of financial statements, presents a practical perspective of the ISA provisions on the significance threshold, highlighting the existing challenges and providing examples.

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Will your digitization strategy become a reality?

After years of significant spending, CEOs, directors who are responsible for digital issues, and other senior management feel pressured to make a return on digital investment (RODI). Budgetary constraints specific to the economic context generated by COVID-19, programs whose results are delayed and the rapid pace at which digital transformation is taking place threaten to turn digitalization promises into mere illusions if organizations cannot prove the value of investments in full. The digital investment index developed by EY in the third quarter of 2020 provides a picture of efforts to recalibrate digitization strategies within organizations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Why do successful digital transformations start with the Human Enterprise?

One thing remains certain in this world which, this year, in the context of COVID-19, has undergone unexpected changes: the demand for businesses to transform themselves. They must innovate to high standards and keep abreast of technological progress in order to survive and thrive. People are the most important asset of an organization, and they must be at the center of any process of transformation to create the human enterprise. This type of enterprise is the most intelligent, innovative and agile, managing to create value both in the short and long term.

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A digital enterprise is no longer a desideratum, but the key to survival

The last 9 months have been characterized by uncertainty. As a new wave of the pandemic looms globally, the optimism of the summer business environment is fading, with companies preparing for disruptions to operations or even their definitive closure. Also as a consequence of the pandemic, the digital divide among small and medium-sized enterprises is becoming more evident, forcing companies to analyze the technologies they have and, especially, those they do not yet have. It is clear that digitalisation is no longer a choice for businesses, but a necessity.

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Disclosure and transparency in the context of COVID-19

In this time of uncertainty, it is important for companies to proactively communicate with their investors and stakeholders, including employees, customers and the communities in which they operate, about how they respond to the crisis generated by COVID-19. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has developed General framework for disclosure and transparency (Disclosure and Transparency Framework) through which both listed and private companies can provide investors and stakeholders with the information they need to assess the resilience, readiness and management processes of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues related to these entities.

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Do you manage an analog supply chain for a digital economy?

COVID-19 exposed old weaknesses in the way we produce and sell goods. The global supply chain, in its current form, is unable to cope with the expected disruptions. Consumer preferences, in a continuous and rapid change, environmental issues and intrinsic changes of the global order are key vectors of change. The solution is digitization and automation in four steps, based on four imperatives: information, architecture, excellence and operational planning, resilience.

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5 ways to build a safer business in the current context

Maintaining the cyber security of a business can be difficult, given the multitude of risks to which it is exposed, but not prioritizing this or diminishing its importance is a mistake. Regardless of the size of a business, it must identify the risks to which it is exposed and the right combination of cyber security tools to build a robust and resilient defense system.

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IFAC & MOSAIC: Forum Building resilient and sustainable economies

Between December 7-11, 2020, IFAC will organize, in collaboration with the MOSAIC Steering Committee, the online forum on Building resilient and sustainable economies. The event will examine the opportunities for the accounting profession to support emergency response and a strong public health sector and will highlight the importance of accrual accounting for economic recovery, IFAC said in a statement.

The forum will also discuss the digital transformation of the accounting profession in the context in which COVID-19 has accelerated the use of technology, as well as how professional accounting bodies can collaborate with development partners in their jurisdictions. According to IFAC, professional accounting bodies have the potential to support high-quality financial reporting in the public and private sectors and to facilitate the transformation of the way public finances are managed, given that the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic recession have required significant interventions by governments around the world. For more details and registration, please visit the page dedicated to the forum.

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Deloitte Resilience Podcasts: How Companies Can Manage the COVID-19 Crisis

Deloitte makes a series of podcasts on the resilience of companies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic available to professionals and other stakeholders, providing the necessary insights into the crisis management and recovery process. Topics covered include supply chain difficulties, crisis response strategies, the challenges posed by remote work, etc.

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Fit for Future - Entrepreneur in Romania: Resilience in business - how we reshape business

A new edition of the show Fit for Future - Entrepreneur in Romania was broadcast today, November 4 this year, on CECCAR TV. Strengths and weaknesses in the measures taken by the authorities in support of the business environment, the contribution of professional accountants in ensuring business sustainability in this time of crisis and how the HoReCa industry was affected were some of the topics addressed by the show's guests: Silvia Ion , Managing Partner Horeca Insight Magazine, Marcel Vulpoi, CEO Vulpoi & Toader Management, and prof. Univ. Dr. Robert Aurelian Șova, President of the Superior Council of CECCAR.

Reinventing the risk management process

The current context is not only characterized by a high level of risk, but also by a prolonged uncertainty. Blurring the boundaries between everyday business risk management, crisis management and resilience can allow for the development of agility in the face of an uncertain future. There have been many mistakes in the risk management process since the beginning of the pandemic, and no matter how much the organization has been affected, there is still much to learn about risk management in this time of crisis.

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How do companies' CFOs keep their finances afloat during the crisis?

In the coming months, CFOs will play a key role in highlighting the really important things in these chaotic times. As the COVID-19 crisis escalates, business owners are concerned about the survival of their organization and the safety of their employees, and CFOs can provide support in this regard. Accustomed to managing the loss of a customer or supplier, CFOs are well placed to mitigate the magnitude of the effects of the pandemic on organizations.

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Mergers and acquisitions: considerations in the context of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all industries, many of which are experiencing the consequences of reduced demand, stoppage operations, supply chain disruptions, etc. Many of the organizations, even those with strong operations, now face various financial difficulties, as the rapid pace of the pandemic has not allowed the development of a crisis strategy or effective protection measures. Mergers or acquisitions can be seen as solutions to save from insolvency, when an organization can no longer meet its obligations to creditors or fails to attract other forms of financing. However, given the context, the merger or acquisition process must be treated appropriately, considering all the considerations and conditions of such an approach in order to ensure the gain of all parties involved.

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Key competencies for public finance professionals facing current challenges

The global political and economic environment is as volatile and uncertain as ever. In this ever-changing private sector environment, the importance of continuous professional development cannot be underestimated. As a professional body for public sector professionals, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) is committed not only to supporting practitioners, but also to helping them prepare for the challenges ahead. To this end, CIPFA has developed a general framework on key competences, designed to guide the learning process of accountants during their careers in the public sector, regardless of where they work.

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Ways Boards Can Oversee Risk Management Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

In an analysis by Ernst & Young, published on October 15, 2020, top executives provide opinions on why the COVID-19 pandemic requires a new attitude towards risk oversight by boards of directors. They recognize that sustaining a long-term business requires focusing on a wide range of stakeholders, with a clear purpose in mind. Only by understanding major social, technological and geopolitical changes will boards be able to provide the necessary planning for risk mitigation. Boards of directors must hold management accountable for business continuity and risk-concentration plans. This analysis highlights the ways in which boards can change their approach to risk management to ensure a sustainable future for their organizations.

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5 things companies can do now to prepare for the next crisis

Companies are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Recession of the 1930s, with forecasts showing that the global economy will contract by 4.4% by the end of the year. A team at PwC has developed a five-point structured plan of steps companies can take now to avoid being taken by surprise by the next crisis. Underlying this plan is an urge for all organizations to stop treating technology as an enemy and to consider it an essential tool for surviving in crisis situations.

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3 things that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught professional accountants about technology

2020 was the most difficult year in recent history, but at the same time it provided a unique learning opportunity for business owners and their team members, especially in the field of technology. Without technology, it is impossible to imagine the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to continue their work, professional accountants had to use their knowledge of technology and expand it to find solutions for storing and accessing information anytime, anywhere, to adopt remote work procedures appropriate to each type of activity and to identify the hardware components and peripheral devices that allow the organization of a fully functional office in your own home.

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Guidelines for AICPA, IESBA and IAASB on the use of specialists in the circumstances created by COVID-19

On October 6, 2020, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Council on International Standards of Ethics for Accountants (IESBA), and the Council on International Standards on Auditing and Insurance (IAASB) published the joint paper Use of specialists in the circumstances created by COVID-19: including considerations regarding the involvement of specialists in audits of financial statements. The document is intended to help professional accountants determine the conditions under which the services of a specialist are required for certain activities and sets out the relevant ethical considerations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The document will soon be available in Romanian as well.

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If transformation is a journey, how can the board ensure that everyone is moving in the same direction?

It is certain that this crisis generated by COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the way business works. Some changes seem inevitable in this context: more and more employees will work from home more and more, supply chains will be reorganized to maximize flexibility, and technology will play a key role. Boards must focus on long-term value creation, organizational culture and skills development to effectively manage the post-COVID-19 transformation process.

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Corporate governance in the context of COVID-19: Cybersecurity and technology considerations

Cybersecurity surveillance is a key responsibility of a board and was a significant concern for companies before the COVID-19 pandemic forced so many organizations to make the sudden transition to remote work. Infringements of data security and other cyber threats pose risks to a company's competitiveness and reputation, as well as risks to potential litigation. In order to prevent, detect and solve them, more and more expensive investments are needed. The changes generated by the pandemic have created new risks, the management of which requires supervision by the board.

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A practical approach to risk management in small and medium-sized organizations

CPA Canada has developed a guide that includes guidance on how to implement the enterprise risk management (ERM) process in organizations to meet strategic goals in uncertain and unpredictable times. The guide is structured in six steps aimed at improving compliance with government provisions, while creating a culture of risk that supports and strengthens the integrated decision-making process and enhances the value of the organization to stakeholders.

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Managing cash flow in times of crisis: 6 strategies for business owners

The ability to manage cash flow is fundamental to the health of any company, especially in the midst of a global crisis that is severely affecting the business environment. When a company knows its resources and is able to manage them, it is one step closer to overcoming the crisis and gaining a safe position in the face of the uncertainties that follow.

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KPMG study on returning to work

As states begin to relax isolation measures and restart the economy, return-to-work planning is becoming a top priority for many organizations. As pandemic guidance and action are constantly evolving, there are several considerations, steps and factors that employers need to focus on in order to develop a robust action plan to ensure the safety of employees at work. their return.

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COVID-19: Effects on companies

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. Now is the time to focus efforts on supporting the return to work, while addressing the changes that will need to be implemented in the coming months. Here are some ways companies can initiate this transition to a more stable environment and a business strategy ready for the future.

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Guide to strategic financial planning

As organizations review their business strategies, strategic planning for 2020-2021 must adapt to new circumstances and target a longer-than-usual period of a few months or a maximum of one year. The business environment is changing too quickly and too radically for the old methods of planning and anticipating scenarios to remain the same. Gartner, an American research and consulting company, has developed a guide that provides guidance on strategic planning, based mainly on 4 pillars: identifying parameters for measuring progress, developing working hypotheses, identifying directions for action, and communicating the entire strategy in a concise and efficient manner that facilitates its successful implementation.

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Business tips in difficult times

After surviving difficult times, businesses should prepare for the recovery process. The main objective of this process should be sustainable growth, which involves maintaining good practices adopted to survive difficult times, but also focusing on human capital, increasing profitability and efficiency.

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General framework for business resilience in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

EY has created a diagnostic tool that provides a methodical approach to crisis management, recovery and reinvention. It includes 9 areas that can not only contribute to the continuation of the current activity, but are also useful in the process of redefining the future of the organization.

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7 essential steps for Professional Accounting Bodies (PAOs) in crisis management planning

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, professional accounting bodies (PAOs) have the opportunity to help their members in the difficult situations they face. Although there is a large amount of information available, it can be difficult to process. This general framework, structured in 7 steps, comes in support of OAPs that try to organize and act quickly in the current context.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Disclosures of Annual Reports: A Guide for Directors, Annual Reporters and Auditors

This guide aims to provide a series of guidance on managing the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic for the financial reporting and disclosures that entities must prepare.

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From crisis to recovery

Although there is currently uncertainty about a vaccine or treatment that could stop the pandemic, economic analysts tend to believe that the economy will recover quickly once the health crisis is resolved. The article identifies a number of strategies and measures that could be effective in ensuring a rapid and sustainable economic recovery.

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10 tips for restructuring your company in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Creative ideas from entrepreneurs who have adapted their businesses to the new demand generated by the pandemic. These include: moving the activity to the online environment, expanding the range of products, migrating to health products and services, etc.

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6 ways to manage uncertainty for brave financial professionals

CFOs from different business sectors share their experience of managing uncertainty in crisis situations, in which they have had to find effective solutions to reduce the financial burden on companies. The measures in question include restructuring operations, managing problems quickly and encouraging an organizational culture based on flexibility and collaboration.

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Implications of COVID-19 in relation to financial reporting

The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects generate a greater need for high quality information. To this end, accounting firms, regulators, IFAC member organizations and other parties provide guidance and advice to members of the accounting profession on the accounting and financial reporting arrangements they should consider in managing the effects of the pandemic on the pandemic. preparation of financial statements.

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COVID-19: Supply Chain Risk and Disruption Management

Supply chains have become extremely complex and essential to the competitiveness of many companies. But the fact that they are very interconnected makes them very vulnerable in crisis situations. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates this problem and imposes radical changes globally.

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Professional accounting bodies support each other - Race to online assessments during the COVID-19 pandemic

Every year, thousands of aspiring professional accountants go through assessments of varying degrees of importance. Until recently, a very small percentage of assessments were carried out remotely, but in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, professional accounting bodies had to make the transition to online assessment systems. Given current developments, this approach could become a permanent one.

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Trust starts with good governance

Just as organizations evolve to adapt to the "new normal", so must the structures and governance processes that support them. In order to support the reporting of high quality information, which is the basis for good governance, those responsible for governance may consider the actions presented in this article.

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6 recommendations for audit committees operating in the new context created by the COVID-19 pandemic

The article calls on audit committees to anticipate and provide answers to the conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic, taking into account the six proposed recommendations, designed to optimize their key role in governance, oversight and value creation. long term.

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Public interest responsibilities must remain paramount in the context of COVID-19

The article deals with the importance of the actions and attitude of the global accounting profession in the context of COVID-19 for its future status and reputation. By maintaining the highest standards of conduct and professional ethics during the pandemic and by ensuring a high level of involvement, the accounting profession will meet all expectations regarding public interest responsibilities.

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6 development modalities for small and medium practices in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

IFAC PMM Committee members shared experiences on how small firms and professional accounting organizations (PAOs) react to the impact of the pandemic crisis. Following the discussions, 6 key areas of interest for the development of small and medium-sized practices were identified.

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Ways to manage financial difficulties

The document analyzes the scenarios that a company or an individual experiencing financial difficulties may go through and offers solutions for managing them, using the experience of insolvency professionals.

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